Support the development of rural bioeconomy by defining and testing new business models for thevalorisation of rural side streams into added value bio-based products, thus accelerating new bio-basedvalue chains generating opportunities for all involved actors, including primary producers.
It is a strategic public-private partnership devoted to the co-creation of Slovenian R&I ecosystem in circular (bio)economy to create new value chains based on closed material flows. The network operated in the underdeveloped bio-economy market, which provides a pool of relevant organisations profiting from ToBeReaL support services and those proposing flagship projects.
COPILOT is the follow-up project of the Pilots4U project and gains to support start-ups/SMEs for their scale-up innovation and focusses on widening access to shared infrastructure for low innovation countries.
The EU-funded BIOMODEL4REGIONS project aims to achieve the Sustainable Development Goals by supporting local strategies, enabling stakeholders’ responsible behaviour and propagating best practice guidelines for climate neutrality and low environmental footprint improvements of bio-based products and services. From pilot regions across Northern, Southern, Eastern and Central-Western EU, researchers will extract a fully transferable case-study approach, ready to be replicated throughout the continent.